It all starts with research: Honoring the trailblazers who make women’s health research a priority!

The bottom line is that research IS the cornerstone of women's health. The exclusion of female subjects in current research efforts translates into women being misdiagnosed and mistreated when dealing with illness. In the era of personalized medicine, a 'one-size-fits-all' approach on the basis of results from male research subjects, places women at a higher health risk.

Why should YOU care about women’s health research?

When your doctor discusses alternative treatments for Alzheimer's disease, it started with research...

When we know about the differences between men and women, and heart health, it started with research...

When you discuss mammography screening as a guideline to breast health, it started with research...

When you take control of your health in an informed manner, chances are... it started with research!

Research is how we know that women and men:
  • Do not have heart attacks the same way.
  • Do not face stress the same way.
  • Do not react to Ambien the same way.
  • Do not even get depressed the same way! 
If men and women are CLEARLY different, what leads many to believe that women and men should be diagnosed and treated the same when it comes to women’s health?  By understanding the physiological, psychological and social differences between men and women:
  • Researchers can keep discovering new cures for disease based on the differences between men and women.
  • Doctors can establish the necessary guidelines to treat illness specific to gender and sex –vs. a ‘one size fits all’ approach. 
  • The pharmaceutical industry can develop targeted medications that effectively treat and cure illness in a specific sex-specific manner.
  • Men and women can be informed and become advocates for their own health, and most importantly, their family’s health.   
The question now becomes, what are we doing to keep the women we love healthy?

The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women's Health Research is dedicated to making a long-term, positive impact on women's health.

It's about getting our scientific community excited about women's health research.  We are unique in awarding undergraduate research scholarships to UCSD and California State University students.  In addition, we support graduate nursing students at USD.  In over two decades we have funded more than 200 exceptional scholars doing women's health research.

It's about information. In parallel with our training scholarships, our outreach programs and blog translate novel research findings for the public; empowering women to become their own best health advocates.

It's about making sure that every woman in our community has access to the latest information.  Women's health research involving underserved or "at risk" populations is funded through pilot grants to researchers who partner with community organizations to address vital questions.  This unprecedented award brings academic research full circle to benefit women nationwide.

On this International Women’s Day, we recognize our donors, the guests at our events, our exceptional speakers who inform us about the latest and greatest research, our scholars and grant awardees for making a difference, our friends, our encouragers and many more that throughout 23 years of history, have made the need for women’s health research a priority!


About the Doris A. Howell Foundation:
For the past 23 years, The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research has been dedicated to keeping to women we love healthy by making a long-term, positive impact on women’s health.  To date, it is the premier organization advancing women’s health.

The organization does so by funding scholarships to students researching issues affecting women’s health; providing a forum for medical experts, scientists, doctors, and researchers to convey timely information on topics relevant to women’s health, and by funding research initiatives that improve the health of under-served women and increase awareness and advocacy in the community; bringing women's health research to a full cycle. 


Summary prepared by Carolyn Northrup for the Doris A. Howell Foundations.  Illustration from Shutterstock licensed to Carolyn Northrup  


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