What DOES it take to be happy? Save the Date: September 29, 2016

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy”.   –Dalai Lama 

Did you know...  
  • Over 70% of people report living in a state of chronic stress? 
  • Happiness results from the strength of your neurological pathways and strengths are more powerful than weakness? 
  • Your emotions have executive power in your brain?

There is not one strategy that leads to happiness; it results from dedication to a holistic—or mind, body, and spirit—approach. It takes focus, effort, and intention on a daily basis.

Life then, becomes a happiness journey, not a destination to attain. 

Everyone wants to be happy. In fact, most everything we do is because we believe on some level it will make us happy.  We have been led to believe that when we are unhappy or stressed, all we need to do is change the way that we think and we will be happier. Or is it?

The Happy Map is a result of two decades of researching and applying the best of conventional and unconventional strategies for happiness.  In The Happy Map, Drs. Stokes and Ward take you on a step by step journey to developing the habit of happiness.  The novelty that Kim and Hilary bring to the search for happiness is an understanding of the latest neurological research and a method for reprogramming your brain to achieve happiness.

About our speakers: 

Kim and Hilary have studied and experienced the gamut of mind-body therapies. Together they have over 20 certifications in holistic modalities including biofeedback, neuro-linguistic programming, Tibetan Buddhism psychology, hypnosis, energy psychology, coaching, visualization and meditation.  Upon realizing their like-minded paths, they founded Authenticity Associates, a coaching and counseling practice, that brings the synergistic power of mind, body and spirit to individuals and couples. Through their bestselling books, online programs, private practice and speaking events they have shown thousands how to use their mind, body and spirit connection to heal and be happy.

A must-attend presentation and book signing.  Looking forward to sharing your happiness! 

When:    September 29, 2016

Time:     5:00-6:00pm – Networking time / Hors d’oevres & cash bar         
              6:00-7:30pm – Program    

Where:  The McMillin Center @ Liberty Station (Bldg. 177)
      2875 Dewey Rd., San Diego, CA  92106

Cost:     $10.  Online Registration is Required.            


About the Doris A. Howell Foundation: 
The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is committed to keeping the women we love healthy, advancing women’s health through research and educating women to be catalysts for improving family health in the community.

The organization does so by funding scholarships to students researching issues affecting women’s health; providing a forum for medical experts, scientists, doctors, and researchers to convey timely information on topics relevant to women’s health and the health of their families through its Lecture and Evening Series, and by funding research initiatives that improve the health of under-served women and increase awareness and advocacy in the community. 



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