Celebrating the women and men that make our work at the Howell Foundation possible!

As this year's International Women's Day comes around, we would like to thank all the men and women that make our work at the Doris A. Howell Foundation possible.

It is our belief that by engaging scientists in all activities incidental to women's health research we empower women to be catalysts not only for their health, but for their family's health.  By awarding scholarships to undergraduate students, grants to graduate and post-graduate scientists in relevant women's health research, and by creating a forum where the latest updates on women's health are presented and discussed, we ensure that women's health is on the forefront of medical minds today.

But why women's health research? We have found that women are still underrepresented in clinical trials -- even after the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act that mandates the inclusion of women in pre-clinical studies.  Today, a "one size fits all" approach doesn't necessarily apply when diagnosing and treating illness in women, but might have everything to do with the outcome.

As Dr. Howell accurately states: "How many of you have wives; how many of you have daughters; how many of you have sisters? And I know you all have mothers...What do you do to help them stay healthy?"

So thank you to all who, throughout 20 years, have crossed our paths and are making women's health awareness possible today:  students, researchers, doctors, mentors, partners, donors, givers, friends and family who help us to continue our mission to keep the women we love healthy!


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