The Doris A. Howell Foundation to hold its trademark Health Luncheon Series with “Nutrition: A Novel Approach to Pain Management”

  • Foundation honored to preview the latest findings of  the relationship between nutrition and pain management
  • Presentation promises to open the discussion on nutritional factors that exacerbate pain and recommend approaches to reverse it  
  • Recipients of the new Howell Scholarships to be announced

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici
San Diego, CA. -  The Doris A. Howell Foundation will be holding its trademark Luncheon Series with Dr. Robert Bonakdar on April 4th presenting the latest research on Nutrition and Pain Management.
While much has been said on the relationship between nutrition and health, caloric restriction and aging, stress and health, and what people should or should not be eating along with the role of appropriate supplementation,  new approaches help clear the confusion on the role and benefits that proper nutrition has in today’s prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness.   

Dr. Bonakdar’s presentation will address the common controversy over nutritional factors that may exacerbate pain and the numerous diets that play a role in the confusion around this topic. He will also present the recommended approaches that may reverse and ultimately help manage pain, including supplements. Always consult with your physician on any nutritional strategies to manage your pain. 

“We are privileged that Dr. Bonakdar has agreed to speak on the relationship between nutrition and pain management, especially because this is exciting new data. His latest research has been designed, in part, to examine the role of anti-inflammatory foods, a new perspective on pain management“ comments Dr. Carole Banka, Vice Chair of the Howell Foundation Board of Directors.  

The relevance of an organization like the Doris A. Howell foundation lies in its quarterly presentations of the latest research findings on the health topics that directly affect women.   Partnering with medical and research leaders and institutions not only allows the Foundation to have access to vital information on women’s health,  but helps fund the research scholarships that  will, in turn, promote women’s health in the future.

For more information about the Doris A. Howell Foundation, its Health Lecture Series and scholarship donor opportunities, please contact Tanya Fortuna at 858-454-7797, or on the web at

The mission of the Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is to fund undergraduate scientists in their relevant research and to educate women to be catalysts for better family health. A core belief of The Howell Foundation is that women are usually the nucleus for their families' health and by "Keeping the Women We Love Healthy" we can make a measurable difference in so many lives. The Foundation sponsors educational events on key topics affecting women and all members of the family.
The Speakers Service was created in 2013 to extend this educational mission into corporations and nonprofit organizations in San Diego and across the United States. One hundred percent of Peg’s speaking fees go directly to the Howell Foundation.
For more information about the foundation please visit:


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