The Doris A. Howell Foundation starts 2014 with the latest research on intermittent fasting and its relationship to increased life span.

Picture by Carolyn Northrup
Dr. Roberta Goettlib, Patty Wellborn and Dr. Carole Banka

  • How does the body age?  It’s all about “cellular housekeeping” to promote a healthier life, and therefore, a longer one.  
  • 2014 Howell-CSUPERB Scholars present their field of research.

La Jolla, CA. – February 7th, 2014.   The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research hosted its first  Luncheon and Lecture of 2014, “The meal you miss could save your life:  How intermittent fasting may extend health-span”.   Dr. Roberta Gottlieb presented the latest research on the relationship between fasting and the benefits that ultimately lead not only to a healthier life, but a longer one. 

When asked about the secrets of longevity, Dr. Roberta Gottlieb, Director of Molecular Cardio-biology at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, commented that it is all about having a lifestyle that promotes cellular heath. 

Intermittent fasting along with exercise and caloric restriction allow for a process called ‘autophagy’ - a normal, automatic physiological process that deals with “garbage” in cells by digesting the debris.   Research has shown that this “cellular housekeeping” or autophagy protects cells from fatal damage and allows organelles called mitochondria –the powerhouse of the cell – to become healthier and create energy for the cell, thus creating a realm of whole-body benefits; among them weight loss and cholesterol control, reducing the risk for cancer and heart disease, among other beneficial outcomes.  The process of autophagy is greatly enhanced by fasting, caloric restriction and exercise. The result of maintaining cellular health in this manner is predicted to increase both the length and the quality of life in humans as has been shown in animals.

Although caloric restriction, intermittent fasting and exercise have their benefits, it is important to consider the downside:  anemia, muscle loss, depression, bone loss and lethargy may be the most common side effects.   Always consult with your physician on any new strategy to promote a healthy lifestyle that will lead to longevity.  
2014 Howell-CSUPERB Scholars present their field of research

Dr. Howell with 2014 Howell-CSUPERB Scholars 
The Howell-CSUPERB partnership objective is to fund promising undergraduate student research projects in topics related to women’s health.  Three of the 11 Howell-CSUPERB scholars briefly informed the audience about their fields of research, gave a small overview of what they expect to accomplish and explained the impact their research will have on women’s Health.
  •  Lindsay Bradford (Microbiology, San Diego State University): Award for the proposal titled “Contribution of Bacterial Fibrinogen Binding Glycoproteins to Streptococcal Colonization and Disease.” Mentor: Kelly Doran, Biology
  • Matthew Siracusa (Biology, CSU Fullerton) Award for the proposal titled “The effect of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms on the function of the human cytosolic 70-kDa heat shock protein, HSPA1A.” Mentor: Nikolas Nikolaidis, Biological Science/NSM 
  • Patricia (Nhi) Nguyen (Chemistry, CSU Long Beach): Award for the proposal titled “Structural analysis and binding mechanism of apolipoprotein E cholesterol binding domain by fluorescence spectroscopy.” Mentor: Vasanthy Narayanaswami, Chemistry & Biochemistry
The Doris A. Howell Foundation wishes them all success in their fields of research!

For more information about the Doris A. Howell Foundation, its Health Lecture Series and scholarship donor opportunities, please contact Tanya Fortuna at 858-454-7797, or on the web at

For more information on the California State University CSUPERB scholarship program, visit

The mission of the Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is to fund undergraduate scientists in their relevant research and to educate women to be catalysts for better family health.  A core belief of The Howell Foundation is that women are usually the nucleus for their families' health and by "Keeping the Women We Love Healthy" we can make a measurable difference in so many lives.  The Foundation sponsors educational events on key topics affecting women and all members of the family.  
The Speakers Service was created in 2013 to extend this educational mission into corporations and nonprofit organizations in San Diego and across the United States.  One hundred percent of Peg’s speaking fees go directly to the Howell Foundation. 


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