How do YOU manage stress?

We all experience stress in our daily lives that diminishes happiness. But how we cope with stress and how stress affects our mental and physical health differs from one individual to the next. The biological response to stress differs in men and women and there are gender differences in effective methods of coping with stress.  

The Howell Foundation's Intentional Happiness Series will be holding its first educational series presentation "An Integrative Approach to Stress Management: Reducing Stress and Increasing Happiness".  Learn how the concept of “relational wellness” influences stress management and how “Western” and “complimentary” medicine can be integrated to reduce stress for men and women. Applying simple, “hands-on” stress management techniques to incorporate into your daily life can be the start to successfully manage your stress.  

Board Member, Vice-Chair of the Howell Foundation and Associate Project Scientist a the Department of Medicine at USCD School of Medicine, Carole Banka Ph.D.  will present her research on gender differences and Stress.   Tahir Bhatti, M.D., Integrative Psychiatrist and Wellness Physician at the UCSD Executive Health & Wellness and Concierge Medicine programs will be talking about the relationship between mechanistic and relational wellness, and will lead the way into practical stress management techniques.

 Join us for this thought provoking, UNIQUE program that addresses the latest research on the sources of stress and dealing successfully with stress in your life with practical information you can use any time, anywhere!   Great speakers and lots of discussion encourage you to ask the questions that matter to you.  

When:                   Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Where:                 The McMillin Center, Liberty Station (Bldg. 117)
Time:                   5:00 – 6:00 pm – Registration and hors d’oevres
                 6:00 – 7:30 pm - Presentation

Register Today!


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