2013 at a Glance

Welcome to the Howell Foundation!  

And what a successful year 2013 has been.   The Foundation’s mission is simple:  Keeping the women we love healthy.  Through education, we strive to make women their own health advocates.  We believe that if women are healthy, their families will be healthy as well. 

We follow are mission with five fundamental initiatives: 
  • The award of scholarships focused on women's health-related research
  • Educational Luncheon Seminars focused on informing the communities on the latest research in women's health 
  • Intentional Happiness Evening Series with a holistic, research based approach to dealing with health issues that can affect our happiness, and therefore our health
  • Partnering with academic and community-based organizations to support programs that improve quality of life in San Diego communities where health disparities are prevalent
  • Extending the Foundation's mission locally and Nationally through its Speakership Services 

So what’s in store for 2014?  A fun and relaxed Saturday board retreat meeting allowed us to reflect  on the foundation’s 2013 achievements, and focus on the great opportunities for this coming year.   

We will continue to grow the funding for our Howell Scholarships, which have become the trademark of our Foundation and will definitely advance scientific funding for women’s- health research.  We will be announcing the Howell Foundation Scholars in February, so please check back soon. 

Because of the feedback and suggestions on current women-health related issues, our two first events are being received well amongst our friends and family.  Our first luncheon with Dr. Roberta Goettlieb and Intermittent Fasting on February 7th  is almost full, and our evening series event on stress management is well on its way to filling up as well – and it’s on March 18!.  Our own Carole Banka, Ph.D. and Tahir I. Bahtti, M.D. will be talking about the differences between men and women when it comes to stress, and simple techniques to incorporate to your daily routine to diminish stress and increase happiness. 

2013 meant a new chapter in our objectives to reach women throughout the community.  The Howell Foundation launched its Community Engagement Initiative with the grant award to Dr. Elva Arredondo, professor with SDSU’s Institute of Behavioral Health.  Her project involves a partnership with 2 local clinics to improve physical activity and healthy eating habits among Latina Women   The Nominating Committee is reviewing  3 very promising community projects, and will be announcing the winner during February.  

Additionally, the foundation will launch its annual giving campaign, and is confident that once again, fundraising objectives are met.  The Doris A. Howell Foundation is dedicated to making a long-term positive impact on women’s health.   The  Contributions, you provide more than funds to send promising students to school.  You give us tangible evidence of community support – and for that our greatest appreciation.  

We closed the year with style, and VERY proud.  The Board was honored to celebrate Dr. Doris Howell’s 90th birthday.  After receiving the Life Time Achievement Award from Mc. Gill University, December 2nd was proclaimed by the office of Interim Mayor Todd Gloria as Doris Howell Day. 

 Summary of the Foundation's activities during 2013 An in-depth overview of the foundation activities can be found at the Foundation’s 2013 Annual Report.  Just Click on the image.  

 For more information on the work of the Howell Foundation, please click through www.howellfoundation.org, like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/howellfoundation, and follow us on Linked In: www.Linkedin.com/The-Doris-A-Howell-Foundation.

So bring on 2014!   We are excited, we are energized and we are ready!  


About the Doris A. Howell Foundation: 
The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is committed to keeping the women we love healthy, advancing women’s health through research and educating women to be catalysts for improving family health in the community.

The organization does so by funding scholarships to students researching issues affecting women’s health; providing a forum for medical experts, scientists, doctors, and researchers to convey timely information on topics relevant to women’s health and the health of their families through its Lecture and Evening Series, and by funding research initiatives that improve the health of under-served women and increase awareness and advocacy in the community. 




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