The work of the Doris Howell Foundation to address the need for women's health research.

The question is why are we passionate about women's health research?

The need. 
Women are not small men. The exclusion of female subjects in current research efforts may result in the misdiagnosis and consequently, erroneous medical treatment of women.  In the era of personalized medicine, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach on the basis of results from male research subjects places women at a higher health risk.  We seek to end the bias at a research level.

What we do:  

The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is dedicated to making a long-term, positive impact on women’s health. It is THE premier organization advancing women’s health research.

To that extent, the organization:

Funds unique undergraduate 
research scholarships 

and graduate nursing 
research grants 
to scientists researching 
issues affecting 
women’s health. 

our Speaker Service program, where 
experts and researchers convey timely 
information on topics relevant to women’s 
health and the health of their families.  

increase awareness and 
advocacy in the community.

A core belief of The Howell Foundation is that women are usually the nucleus for their families' health. We bring awareness of the need for women's health research to "Keep the Women We Love Healthy". By informing women to be catalysts for their health and the health of their families, we can make a difference in our community.

What can you do to Keep the Women you Love Healthy?

Don't miss our next educational event.  Register today!  Learn about the latest findings in women’s health first hand from prominent researchers and spread the word on the importance of women’s health.

Friday, May 10, 2019 - "Why Palliative Medicine Must Become Mainstream"
Guest Speaker: Daniel Hoefer, MD 

Dr. Daniel Hoefer is Chief Medical Officer, Outpatient Palliative Care Program at Sharp Healthcare. Dr. Hoefer is board certified in both family medicine and palliative care. He has been in practice since 1993 and provides care out of his Sharp Rees-Stealy El Cajon office. His practice focuses on chronic pain management, COPD, end-of-life care and more.

 • Become a Friend of Howell.  Your donation can help us achieve BIG things, among them, helping emerging undergraduate and post graduate scholars further their knowledge on women’s health.  You help make a difference! Personal pledges from generous individual donors like you are the lifeblood of our organization as they help us achieve our mission of "Keeping the Women We Love Healthy."

Donate on behalf of your organization.  Women and men in your company or foundation will have the opportunity to learn more about the health of the women in their lives. Corporations and Foundations in San Diego are committed to community involvement and strong corporate citizenship.

Have us over.  Get up close and personal with experts in the field of women’s health research.  The Howell Speakers Service extends the Howell Foundation’s educational mission into corporations and nonprofit organizations.  Friends of Howell have the opportunity to listen to the latest research affecting women’s health today

Support a researcher. It’s about making our community healthy. The Howell Foundation made a commitment to develop partnerships with academic and community-based organizations to support programs that improve quality of life in San Diego communities where health disparities are prevalent.

Consider us in your planned giving efforts.  Celebrate the life and legacy of the women and men who mean the most to you. If you would like to continue your legacy through education and research on women’s health, then please consider us in your planned giving efforts. Explore the giving alternatives that best serve your goals and needs by contacting Brad Benter here.

Health is a gift.  Don't take it for granted.  Donate TODAY to help Keep the Women we Love Healthy! 



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