The work of the Doris Howell Foundation to address the need for women's health research.

The question is why are we passionate about women's health research? The need. Women are not small men. The exclusion of female subjects in current research efforts may result in the misdiagnosis and consequently, erroneous medical treatment of women. In the era of personalized medicine, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach on the basis of results from male research subjects places women at a higher health risk. We seek to end the bias at a research level. What we do: The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is dedicated to making a long-term, positive impact on women’s health. It is THE premier organization advancing women’s health research. To that extent, the organization: Funds unique undergraduate research scholarships and graduate nursing research grants to scientists researching issues affecting women’s health. Presents the latest medical research ...