Stylin' for Women's Health Research

What does fashion have to do with the Howell Foundation? Increased awareness of the need for women's health research! One would think that research and fashion have absolutely nothing in common. Think again. We have met some of the most stylish researchers of the day! But for the Howell Foundation, it is not really about being stylish -- which we are! It is about creating the much needed awareness of the importance of women's health research. Why is women's health research so important? Research must be at the forefront of any women’s health initiative. The exclusion of female subjects in current research efforts translates into women often being misdiagnosed. In the era of personalized medicine, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to treating women's health issues based on research results of male subjects, only places women at a critical risk. The “Ten Best Dressed Awards" Gala is a fun, novel and creative way to bring awarenes...