Changing of the Guard at the Doris A. Howell Foundation

  • New Executive Officers of the Board to Lead Foundation’s Efforts to Grow Women’s Health and Research Awareness in the San Diego Community. 
  • Scholarship and Research Grant Funding are Priorities to Further Women’s Health Research. 
  • New and Exciting Topics for the Foundation’s Trademarked Educational Series

San Diego, CA.- January, 2015.  The Doris A. Howell Foundation – a non-profit organization focused on promoting women’s health and research through scholarships, grant awards and community-oriented events– announced the election of its new officers.  The new Executive Board Members were installed as of January 19th, 2015 and their terms will last through December, 2017.  

Looking to bring the legacy of their knowledge to the fore front of the organization, board members voted for former co-chair, Carole Banka, Ph.D., as Chair,  Kathleen Franklin and Cheryl Wilson as Co-Vice Chairs, Kay Pierce as Treasurer and Brad Benter as Secretary.  Linda G. Osborne will continue her position as Chief Financial Officer.

  • Dr. Carole Banka has held faculty positions at The Scripps Research Institute and The La Jolla Institute for Molecular Medicine. In 2008, Dr. Banka joined the Department of Medicine at UCSD where she is an Associate Project Scientist.  Dr. Banka has served on the Howell Board of Directors since 2008 and has chaired the lecture series committee. She has also been a speaker for the Foundation.
  • Kathleen Franklin has served on the Howell Board of Directors since 2006. She also sits on the Howell Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee.  Kathleen is an artist and retired California State Parks Superintendent.
  • Cheryl Wilson, RN MA is the current CEO at St. Paul’s Senior Homes and Services.  She has served on the Howell Board of Directors since 1999. She is currently Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee.
  • Linda G. Osborne manages her own local CPA firm and has been a member of the Board of Directors and CFO since 2001.
  • Kay Pierce is President of Interim Partners and Facilitator for Key Executive Group and Renaissance Executive Forums.  She has served on the Howell Board of Directors since 2001. In addition to serving as Treasurer, Kay also serves as Chair of the Howell Advisory Council.
  • Brad Benter has served on the Howell Board of Directors since 2009, and co-chairs the Friends Committee. Brad specializes in wealth transition management including retirement income planning, charitable giving and bequests, college savings, and income replacement strategies.

Pattie Wellborn, former Foundation Chair couldn’t be happier for her co-members: “After having had the honor of serving the Board for 5 years, I believe that the combined experience of the new Executive Board will continue to position the Foundation as THE cornerstone of women’s health in our community”.

A volunteer-based Board of Directors and Officers have raised over half a million dollars to fund almost 200 future scholars’ research in the area of women’s health.   Inspired by Dr. Doris Howell, the Board seeks to bring awareness of the manner in which women’s health issues are diagnosed and treated.   To accomplish this goal, research NEEDS to include the female gender at the clinical and basic research levels.

“Serving on the Board of a Foundation like ours requires dedication and time.  I am incredibly honored and grateful to work with a Board that is fully committed to raising awareness on women’s health issues, starting with education.  The talent of our newly elected officers will continue to strengthen our organization and the impact we have in our community”, comments Dr. Howell, Founder and Chair Emerita of the Doris A. Howell Foundation.  “I look forward to continuing my work with such a capable group of professionals”, she concluded.  
About the Doris A. Howell Foundation:
The Doris A. Howell Foundation for Women’s Health Research is committed to keeping the women we love healthy, advancing women’s health through research and educating women to be catalysts for improving family health in the community.

The organization does so by funding scholarships to scientists researching issues affecting women’s health;   providing a forum for medical experts, scientists, doctors, researchers, and authors to convey the timely information on topics relevant to women’s health and the health of their families through its Lecture and Evening Series, and by funding research initiatives that will create women’s health awareness and advocacy in the community.    

For more information about the Doris A. Howell Foundation, please visit 


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