How do you know if you are feeling depressed or just sad?

HOPE is a key feeling in managing sadness
and /or depression. 
Did you know that women are twice as likely to  suffer from - and show signs of depression than men of the same age?  

If true that we have all experienced times in our lives when we are sad, at what point do we realize that our sadness is depression? 

Recognizing the differences and learning to identify when professional intervention is needed is wise and the first step to our health.   

The Howell Foundation invited Dr. Christina Zampitella for its next Evening Series Seminar presentation:  Depression vs. Sadness: Learning to Know the Differences.   She will be talking about pragmatic, integrative ways to take care of ourselves, feel better and increase hope.  The skills presented by Dr. Zampitella will help us determine if we are sad or depressed, and whether we are improving or not. 

At the end of the presentation, attendees will: 
  • Be able to distinguish sadness from depression
  • Identify when professional help is needed
  • Learn pragmatic, integrative skills to improve hope while decreasing sadness or depression
  • Determine when sadness or depression is improving

Dr. Zampitella is a licensed clinical psychologist at Integrative Psychological and Assessment Services in San Diego, CA. She holds a Fellow of Thanatology (expert in death, loss, and grief), is a professional speaker, and an adjunct professor at National University and Marian University. She holds a doctorate degree, with an integrative psychology emphasis, from the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University in San Diego. Her doctoral research focused on the use of nature based rituals in the management of grief.  

She focuses her teaching, research, publications, and presentations on grief studies, ADHD, and integrative psychology.  Her therapeutic work with clients focuses on a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, communication problems, and stress.   She was the lead developer and faculty of the Post Graduate Certificate Program in Bereavement Studies at the former Center for Integrative Health in San Diego, CA, and has created multiple undergraduate and graduate level courses in death, loss, and grief and spirituality. Dr. Zampitella presents nationally on topics associated with grief and ADHD, and has been featured on CBS, NBC, and FOX News, as well as in ELLE Magazine. Dr. Zampitella was also the recipient of the Outstanding Doctor of Psychology Award from CSPP.

Attendance is free and spaces are quickly filling up.  Please register at to reserve your spot.  

When:    October 14, 2014
Where:   The McMillin Center, Liberty Station (Bldg 177),
                2875 Dewey Rd., San Diego, CA  92106

Time:     5:00-6:00pm – Registration and  hors d’oevres (cash bar)
               6:00-7:30pm – Program begins  


  1. This should be a wonderful learning night. I have signed up and have asked a few friends to join.


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