The field of regenerative medicine offers the future of treatment alternatives. And the Howell Foundation will present the latest research about it.

Won't you join us? It seems like the 2018 Howell Lecure Series is shaping up to present the role technology is playing for the treatment and cure of severe illnesses. Just last February, the Howell Foundation hosted Dr. De Maria, who spoke about the latest technological advances to address heart disease. Now, for our luncheon in May, we have the honor of hosting Benjamin Shepherd, Ph.D, Director of Therapeutics at Organovo, Inc. His presentation "Advanced Tissue Therapies - Progress in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine” will address the latest and most innovative developments in using cultured human tissues and 3-D bioprinting for vital organ transplantation. Organ and tissue damage can go beyond the current available treatments. The field of regenerative medicine offers new alternatives when discussing a cure for diseases related to genetic predisposition, congenital abnormalities or severe injuries. Why is the field of regenerative ...