Women's Health starts with research: The Howell Foundation congratulates you!

Pictured above: 2018 Howell Scholars with Howell Co-Chair Kathleen Franklin & CSUPERB Executive Director, Susan Baxter Every year, during our first luncheon for the year, we ratify a partnership that advances women’s health at its basic level –research; two great organizations aligned to provide opportunities for students to have access to careers in the biomedical research field. “CSUPERB believes that the best way to engage, recruit and retain students in life science careers is to provide access to and opportunities in real-world biotechnology research settings. We know that these experiences are particularly effective at engaging and retaining students who are the first in their families to attend college or are from communities underrepresented in the life sciences. By working with CSU faculty in the classroom and on research problems, students build a solid foundation for successful life science careers”, comments Susan Baxter, Executive Director, CSUPERB, and liaison...