A sea of red ... (and chocolate)! During heart health month, 3 research projects that prove dark chocolate is the food of the Gods

For the Howell Foundation, things couldn't have turned out better. February 3rd was ' Go Red for Women Day', the Heart Health Month awareness campaign was once again reminding women about the risks of heart disease, and we had invited Dr. Taub from UCSD to present her latest research on cardiovascular disease. And she might just pretty well have given us the greatest tip of all: knowing that we can take care of our heart while making our lives a little more pleasurable with chocolate... dark chocolate! Dr. Taub is a general cardiologist and believes that prevention is the new frontier in cardiology. She is also is a huge believer in chocolate. Her research focuses on the beneficial effects of dark chocolate and going back to basics; nutrition, controlling our cholesterol and managing our blood pressure -- which is simple, doesn't cost a lot of money, and requires little effort. It is clear that the benefits of cacao are now recor...