
Showing posts from August, 2016

What DOES it take to be happy? Save the Date: September 29, 2016

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy”.   –Dalai Lama  Did you know...   Over 70% of people report living in a state of chronic stress?  Happiness results from the strength of your neurological pathways and strengths are more powerful than weakness?  Your emotions have executive power in your brain? There is not one strategy that leads to happiness; it results from dedication to a holistic—or mind, body, and spirit—approach. It takes focus, effort, and intention on a daily basis. Life then, becomes a happiness journey, not a destination to attain.  Everyone wants to be happy. In fact, most everything we do is because we believe on some level it will make us happy.  We have been led to believe that when we are unhappy or stressed, all we need to do is change the way that we think and we will be happier. Or is it? The Happy Map is a result of two decades of researching and applying the best of conventional and unconventional strate...

The Power of Genomics in the Future of Healthcare

Genomics is changing everything from oncology, to reproductive health, to genetic diseases.  And it is the underlying structure for the concept of 'personalized medicine'.   In the realm of recent biomedical discoveries, the mapping of the human genome has to be  the  most revolutionary... and illumina is the at the forefront of research involving the human genome.  As a matter of fact, 6 of Time Magazine's top ten science breakthroughs in 2012 included research done by  illumina .  According to Mr. Matt Possard, Senior Vice President of Translational and Consumer Genomics at Illumina Inc., the breakthroughs he presented in 2012 illustrate how genomic sequencing can help inform the decision making and care for patients from early to late care.  You can see the impact illumina is having in the research community here .  Why is Genomics so important?  You have probably heard the saying  "It is more importa...