The not-so-simple lifestyle changes to improve our health and the 4 things you can do today to change.

Just last month we heard Dr. Sears talk about the negative impact of sedentary behavior and nutrition in the presentation ' Simple Lifestyle Changes for Improving Women's Health' ; where research on diet and sedentary behaviors opened our eyes to important risk factors in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. With obesity being characterized now as a national epidemic , it is becoming imperative that we do revise our lifestyle and most importantly, change it. As to whether it is simple or not, that depends on the lens under which you are seeing the issue. Whenever someone prefaces any sentence with 'simple' there is an expectation of effortless actions. Many times our lives will depend on those changes to maintain our health, but 'simple' ? The idea is to create a series of healthy lifestyle 'habits' to improve and sustain our health, as difficult as it might sound! The National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases created th...