Simple Lifestyle Changes for Improving Women’s Health

We've all heard that exercise, managing stress and healthy eating are the cornerstone of a healthy life. You can find tons of advice on how to make lifestyle changes that benefit your health -- anywhere from the how to have the right amount of sleep to the effects food has in specific parts of your body; after all, a healthy life IS a happy life! But what is the research behind all these suggestions? How does it improve your health? What are those 'simple' lifestyle changes we can implement NOW to be healthier? The Howell Foundation will be hosting Dr. Sears on May 20th. She will present the latest information about how eating patterns and sedentary behavior are associated with the risk for chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. She will share insights from her latest women’s health-focused research and newly-funded projects in these areas. Come learn about how you can make changes TODAY that may hel...