Celebrating Men's Health Month: 10 Top Differences Between Men and Women's Health

June is National Men's Health Month. Just as with women's health, men's health problems have an impact on wives, mothers, daughters and sisters; often times becoming a family matter. On the gender differences between men and women when it comes to health related issues, here are how both genders compare: Alcohol – Women tend to have higher blood alcohol than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol; even when size differences are considered. This is because women produce less of the gastric enzyme that breaks down ethanol in the stomach. Heart Disease – Heart disease kills over 50,000 more women than men, and on average strikes 10 years later than men. Women are also more likely to have a second heart attack within a year of the first one. For more information on the differences between men and women in regards to heart disease, check out the summary of women and heart disease here . Depression – Women are two-to-three times more likely ...